Bio-Feedback & Music
All music comes from the outside, created from other minds & intentions, entering our inside through ears & perception. How would it be for music to emerge from your mind, body & intentions? Listening to music directly emerging from processes acknowledging your current states?
What if the external sounding world & the inner perceptual music reflection to become one? What if, instead of an external instrument, we had our body expressing itself musically?
We want to explore the possibilities and what ifs of an everyday experience of ambient intelligence, based primarily on the auditory. To enhance everyday life and to root for personal development and eudeamonia. An everyday experience away from visual interaction, based on biofeedback and aural interactions with ambient intelligent. Where self-generated music is an integrate part of the living experience, enhancing life and productivity. Using techniques of guided meditation, bio-feedback technology and real-time generated music.
Concept of artistic research
My interest in this artistic research is equally philosophical, aesthetical & technologically driven.
On a technological level, I will be exploring the direct connection of bio-feedback tools & their rapport with interactive algorithms of sonification. In our early prototype, we are using bio-feedback tools, mapping them to sound process as the first step of technical investigation. Currently, those tools are EEG (brain receptor), Heart monitoring receptor, breathing receptor & gesture tracking.
On a deeper level, I am interested to study the internal human states & their direct relation of creating music, in other terms by inversing an internal process, how to exteriorise the direct creation of music.
The proposed artistic research aims to contribute to the fields of self-organising music & bio-art, fields of interactive music & art. It is the continuation of my music research in interdisciplinary self-organising principles (complexity science, cybernetics, systems theories), equally found in nature, societies & the brain & how we can use them to create music. On-going research through peer-reviewed publications & a PhD (see list of publications).
I aim to contribute with an inspiring new step for the field of self-organising music (technologically, aesthetically & creatively). Also, being an artistic example of cognitive research can make us understand more about human perception & music.
The experimental research will include the continuous development of a prototype that can be a testimony of the findings & at the same time an inspiring interactive music artwork.
In addition, a series of open experiments will be conducted in Berlin, in Honig Studios, inviting a representative sample of people to test & explore those ideas. At a later stage, a series of presentations in the form of workshops will be organised, as well as the invitation of other specialists.
Photo documentation

Pic. 1. – EEG Brain Waves Sensor, connects as a wireless wearable to the head

Pic. 2. –Brain Waves Monitor, reported in real-time in iPad

Pic. 3. – Gesture control, translates hand gestures to controllable data